Rainy Season: Step Up Your Spare Part Protection Game
“Hi Sir, I would like to inform you the spare part that was sent last week had too much rust. Our production line must be stopped due to the material defect.”
This just the snippet of customers’ complaint to their supplier. Maybe this happened to you too. And there are more stories which encourage us to think for a solution to this problem: RUST complain.
Surely we are all already understand that water is one of the reasons for rust in a product made of metal. It is not only water that comes from a process such as air coolant, but also water contained in the air, and even the water brought by wind when it rains.
Indonesia is a tropical country with exceptionally high rainfall. To anticipate such unfortunate events above from happening, the protection of metal spare part product should be increased to avoid any corrosion problem. How do we do that?
- Finished product from one process and in waiting for the next process or to be entered into safety stock should be covered with Branorost VCI paper or Branofol VCI plastic to avoid any humidity or rain water.
- Branofol VCI plastic can also be used for corrosion protection during local transport to domestic client.
- Tightened check list to ensure no more rust or the source of rust on spare part before putting into the packaging meant for export.
Untung N. Haryadi
Jakarta, 20 April 2019